Healthy individuals and communities

In 1979 a Social Services program was initiated and developed that included urban intake services and assisted in first level services for member First Nations welfare program. First Nation development and administration of their own social service department led to second level services of Social Development Advisory as it exists today.

Social Development encompasses the whole social-economic-health-education-cultural aspects to support individuals, families, and community growth. In the past years, social development applied only to income assistance delivery and management. As First Nations re-asserts its traditional role in this field, the federal government is recognizing the wider scope of this concept of social development.

DOTC Social Development is committed to working on issues with this holistic perspective. Income assistance and linkages to the whole field of social services support are integral to healthy individual and community well-being .

The program is responsible for providing second-level services to member First Nations in areas of:

  • Management activities
  • Data collection systems
  • Case management systems
  • Integration of social programs
  • Policy development in social programs.

Implementation and Advisory

The implementation and advisory aspects of the activities falling within the above areas is determined by need and requirement expressed by a member First Nation. Degree of flexibility of activities and any differentiation is governed by the type of funding agreements entered between a First Nation and INAC- First comprehensive and Canada/Nation Funding Arrangements.

Long Plain and Swan Lake First Nations have CFNFA arrangements allowing for flexibility and opportunity to enhance the activities through integration within their own programs and with other federal and provincial programs.

First Nations with CFA arrangements have limited use of income assistance funds through Aboriginal Human Resource Skills Development (AHRSD), Work Opportunity Program (WOP), Aboriginal Social Assistance Recipients Employment Training (ASARET).

DOTC remains supportive of new initiatives and pursuing improvements to First Nation program management. DOTC will continue to influence change for the future

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